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Meet Brian: Jewston's Mensch of the month!

Carly: Who are you? Where are you from? What do you do for a living?

Brian: I'm Brian Kaye. My hometown is Fort Worth, Texas. I live in Houston now and work for HEB in training as a future store leader.

Carly: What was your 'Jewish experience' like in college?

Brian: I attended Texas Christian University in college. As you would expect, TCU didn't have a ton of Jewish students. While I was in school, we formed a small Hillel for the Jewish students on campus. It was a great place for Jews to get together and celebrate all of our holidays throughout the year.

Carly: What do you enjoy most about Jewston events?

Brian: I mostly enjoy being part of an active Jewish community. The events help us get together and meet each other. Thanks to Jewston events, I've been able to meet people outside of work. I'm looking forward to making stronger connections with the people I've met!

Carly: How has your time in Houston been?

Brian: Houston has been great so far! The food is amazing, and it was really fun seeing the excitement around the Astros! I've still hardly seen all that Houston has to offer.

Carly: What has been the biggest surprise about living in Houston?

Brian: The traffic. In Houston, everyone here talks about the distance to get somewhere in minutes instead of miles.

Carly: Is there anything else you want the Jewston community to know?

Brian: I had a secret job in college ... Can you guess it?

Email Carly ( to nominate your friend to be our next Jewston Mensch of the month!



A Project of Houston Hillel
Ida & William Zinn Building
1700 Bissonnet     Houston TX 77005
713-526-4918    Map

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Houston Hillel, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, is a partner agency of the 

Jewish Federation of Greater Houston and appreciates the generosity of its many donors.

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