Carly: Who are you? Where are you from? What do you do for a living?
Ryan: I am Ryan Mittleman, from South Florida, and I work as a Mechanical Engineer.

Carly: What was your 'Jewish experience' like in college?
Ryan: My Jewish experience in college was great, it was a small community but some of my best college friends came from this group.
Carly: How has your time in Houston been so far?
Ryan: My time in Houston has been fantastic so far, started off a little interesting with Hurricane Beryl hitting my first week I lived there but otherwise I haven’t had any complaints.
Carly: What do you do for fun?
Ryan: For fun I love watching sports, various woodworking activities, hanging with friends, and recently I have been learning how to play the guitar.
Carly: What do you enjoy most about Jewston events?
Ryan: What I enjoy the most about the Jewston events is how welcoming everyone is. They make me feel like I have part of the group for years instead of just a few months.
